Indigenous Culture


Indigenous Culture is a curriculum program that has an explicit instruction pedagogy, focuses on Australian perspectives, and covers Australian Curriculum requirements.

Performance Unit Overviews


Students learn to define dance and drama, and describe where and why they’re made, including within their local community. They identify the key elements of dance and drama. Students discover basic movement skills, before applying them during dance sequences. They learn to take on a role and setting in drama. Students use their own ideas to create and perform dances and dramas in front of an audience.

Learning Objectives

In Foundation Performance, students:

• Learn about using their body in traditional dance and drama

• Explore the basic elements of dance and drama

• Learn dance movement skills and apply them to traditional dance

• Explore drama basics and apply them

• Build their own dances and dramas that tell a story.


1. Content Test 1 (Dance) to be completed during Lesson 4.

2. Content Test 2 (Drama) to be completed during Lesson 8.

3. Performance Task 1 (Dance) to be progressively completed during Lessons 2, 3 and 4.

4. Performance Task 2 (Dance) to be completed during Lesson 7.


Students explore storytelling through dramatic play, retelling common stories and creating stories based on feelings.

Learning Objectives


By the end of Year 2, students describe what happens in drama they make, perform and view. They identify some elements in drama and describe where and why there is drama.

Students make and present drama using the elements of role, situation and focus in dramatic play and improvisation.

Media Arts

By the end of Year 2, students communicate about media artworks they make and view, and where and why media artworks are made. Students make and share media artworks using story principles, composition, sound and technologies.


    • 1. Knowledge and Understanding Interview (Lesson 12)

      2. Assessment Task: Performance (Lessons 10-12)


    Students respond to dance and recognise that people use dance to share their ideas and stories, both in their local community and throughout Australia. They learn to describe the effects that the elements of dance can have in communicating ideas during a dance sequence. Students are taught and demonstrate fundamental dance skills during practice and performance. They use their ideas to create a dance sequence, and perform in front of an audience.

    Learning Objectives

    n Year 2 Performance, students:

    • Learn about using their body in traditional dance

    • Explore elements of dance as they build and observe traditional dances • Explore traditional dance movement skills and apply them to dance

    • Build their own dance that tells a story.



      1. Knowledge and Understanding Test (Lesson 10)

      2. Assessment Task (Lessons [10-12]).


        Students describe and discuss similarities and differences between dances. They recognise the effect of the elements of dance on the story or mood, as well as how media can help us to tell stories. Students learn to choreograph a sequence of dance moves, and demonstrate skills in practicing the moves. They learn to photograph dance in order to improve, before performing for an audience.

        Learning Objectives

        In Dance, students:

        • extend their awareness of the body as they incorporate actions using different body parts, body zones and bases

        • explore and experiment with directions, time, dynamics and relationships using groupings, objects and props

        • extend their fundamental movement skills by adding and combining more complex movements

        • use technical skills including accuracy and awareness of body alignment

        • explore meaning and interpretation, elements and forms including shapes and sequences of dances as they make and respond to dance

        • use expressive skills including projection and focus when performing dance for themselves and others.


            1. Knowledge and Understanding Test (Lesson 10)

            2. Assessment Task (Lessons [10-12]).


              Students explore drama, its types and how it can be made. They create their own drama, employing the elements of drama and working in groups. Students communicate through performing drama and reflect on their own and others’ performances.

              Learning Objectives

              In Performance, students develop body awareness, technical and expressive skills, choreographic and performance skills through expression of traditions, histories and cultures in dance and drama. They creatively express their personal, cultural and social worlds and how the relationships between people, culture and Country build identity.


                   1. Knowledge and Understanding Questionnaire (Lesson 12)

                  2. Assessment Task (Lesson 12).


                    Students explore and explain how dramatic action and meaning are communicated through drama they view, create and perform. They consider how drama and media artworks from different times, places and culture influence their own and others’ drama and media artworks. Students collaborate to create and perform a documentary that employs both drama and media elements, dramatic action, and meaning in a specific and purposeful context. They develop a script, produce media materials, reflect on and evaluate the meaning and influences on both their own and others’ documentaries.

                    Learning Objectives

                      In Performance, students develop body awareness, technical and expressive skills, choreographic and performance skills through expression of traditions, histories and cultures in dance and drama. They creatively express their personal, cultural and social worlds and how the relationships between people, culture and Country build identity


                            1. Assessment Task – Documentary (Lessons 5 to 12)


                              Students learn to explain how the elements of dance, choreographic devices and production elements communicate meaning in dances. They describe and compare the characteristics of dances from different countries and cultures from the past, in the present day, and potentially into the future. Students collaborate to structure movements in dance sequences, and demonstrate dance skills in practicing for and performing them for an audience

                              Learning Objectives

                              Students learn to explain how the elements of dance, choreographic devices and production elements communicate meaning in dances. They describe and compare the characteristics of dances from different countries and cultures from the past, in the present day, and potentially into the future. Students collaborate



                                • 1. Content Test to be completed during Lesson 8.

                                  2. Dance Sequence to be performed during Lesson 7.

                                  Other Indigenous Culture Units 

                                  Lesson Design

                                  Recite, Recall, Apply

                                  Lesson Objective

                                  Success Criteria

                                  Activating Prior Knowledge

                                  I Do

                                  We Do

                                  You Do


