Oz-e-maths Supplementary Materials for Connecting Maths Concepts Years F-5

Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement

Oz-e-maths Supplementary Materials for Connecting Maths Concepts units align to the Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions for Mathematics.

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Year Overview

Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions


Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Foundation Year is a Mathematics unit for Foundation Year students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) Level A to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements.
It aligns to the Australian Curriculum:

  • Represent practical situations involving addition, subtraction and quantification with physical and virtual materials and use counting or subitising strategies (AC9MFN05).
  • Identify and compare attributes of objects and events, including length, capacity, mass and duration, using direct comparisons and communicating reasoning (AC9MFM01).
  • Sequence days of the week and times of the day including morning, lunchtime, afternoon and night time, and connect them to familiar events and actions (AC9MFM02).
Learning Objectives

In Lesson 1 (CMC Level A: Lessons 11–20), students learn to:

  • say the number and days of the week
  • say the days of the week
  • say and order the days of the week
  • identify today, yesterday and tomorrow
  • identify weekday and weekend
  • connect days of the week to familiar events
  • sequence familiar events in time order
  • make connections with everyday events
  • use first, next or last to order events.

In the Swap-Outs, students learn to:

  • identify and count Australian notes and coins
  • measure attributes including height, weight and length.
Success Criteria
  • Say and order the days of the week.
  • Identify weekdays and weekends.
  • Connect days of the week to familiar events.
  • Connect everyday events.
  • Use first, next or last to order events.
  • Recognise the notes and coins of Australian Currency.
  • Compare and order lengths of objects.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and to identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120. The Cumulative Tests are in the Teaching Guide.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions


Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Year 1 is a Mathematics unit for Year 1 students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements:

  • Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value (ACMNA017).
  • Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’ (ACMSP024).
  • Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units (ACMMG019).
  • Tell time to the half-hour (ACMMG020).
  • Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours (ACMMG021).
  • Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive situations, including simple money transactions; represent the situations with diagrams, physical and virtual materials, and use calculation strategies to solve the problem (AC9M1N05).
Learning Objectives
  • Identify chance of familiar events.
  • Justify chance of familiar events.
  • Identify possible/impossible events.
  • Identify certain and possible events.

In the Swap-Outs, students learn to:

  • identify and count Australian coins and notes
  • apply ruler skills to measure length
  • use a ruler to count backwards
  • solve comparison word problems.
Success Criteria
  • Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance.
  • Describe everyday events using language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’, or ‘might happen’.
  • Use a ruler to count backwards.
  • Demonstrate simple money transactions.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions


Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Year 2 is a Mathematics unit for Year 2 students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements. It aligns to the Australian Curriculum:

  • Measure the length of shapes and objects using informal units, recognising that units need to be uniform and used end-to-end (AC9M1M02).
  • Describe the duration and sequence of events using years, months, weeks, days and hours (AC9M1M03).
  • Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting (ACMNA028).
  • Group, partition, rearrange and rename numbers up to 1,000 according to their place value and into other number groupings (AC9M2N02).
  • Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction as inverse operations, apply to partition numbers and find unknown (AC9M2A01).
  • Count and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value (ACMNA034).
Learning Objectives

In Lesson 3 (CMC Level C: Lesson 31–40), students learn to:

  • know that two-digit numbers are comprised of tens and ones
  • use pictorial MABs to demonstrate that three-digit numbers are comprised of hundreds, tens, and ones/units
  • show that three-digit numbers are comprised of hundreds, tens, and ones/units
  • demonstrate three-digit numbers are comprised of hundreds, tens, and ones/units.

In Lesson 4 (CMC Level C: Lesson 51–60), students learn to:

  • describe skip counting and the pattern of counting by 2s
  • use counting by 2s to count a collection of objects
  • represent skip counting by 2s on a number line, identifying the missing number
  • describe the 2s skip counting pattern beyond 100
  • describe the pattern of skip counting by 5s
  • use skip counting by 5s to represent the pattern
  • use skip counting by 10s to represent the pattern and identify the missing number.

In lesson 5 (CMC Level C: Lessons 91–100), students learn to:

  • describe the effect of a one-step slide
  • identify a one-step slide
  • describe the effect of a flip
  • identify a flip or slide
  • investigate the effect of flips by moving and drawing shapes
  • demonstrate the effect of slides and flips by drawing irregular shapes.

In Lesson 6 (CMC Level C: Lesson 101–110), students learn to:

  • identify and describe half and quarter turns
  • demonstrate a half turn and quarter turn to create a pattern.

In the Swap-Outs, students learn to:

  • identify and count Australian coins
  • apply ruler skills to measure length
  • use a ruler to count backwards
  • to solve comparison word problems.
Success Criteria


  • Identify and describe flip and slide.
  • Identify and describe half and quarter turns to create a pattern.
  • Use skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s to count a collection of objects and create patterns.
  • Understand two-digit and three-digit numbers place value.


  • Identify and count Australian coins.
  • Apply ruler skills to measure length and count backwards.
  • Solve comparison word problems.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120. The Cumulative Tests are in the Teaching Guide.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions

Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Year 3 is a Mathematics unit for Year 3 students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements. It aligns to the Australian Curriculum:

  • Use combinations of shapes and objects to make or approximate more complex shapes and objects in the environment (AC9M3SP01).
  • Analyse the effectiveness of different displays or visualisations in illustrating and comparing data distributions, then discuss the shape of (AC9M3ST02).
  • Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents
  • (ACMNA059).
    Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, mass
  • and capacity (ACMMG061).
    Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time (ACMMG062).
Learning Objectives
  • Define the terms: pyramid, polygon and net, and describe the process of using nets to construct three-dimensional shapes.
  • Construct a triangular-based pyramid (tetrahedron).
  • Define the term: prism and identify the net of a prism.
  • Match 3D shapes to their net.
  • Interpret picture graphs, bar graphs and line graphs.
  • Compare data displayed as picture graphs, bar graphs and line graphs.
  • Define symmetry and identify symmetry in the environment.
  • Draw single and multiple lines of symmetry Identify symmetry in cave art and 2D shapes.
Success Criteria
  • Define the terms: pyramid, polygon and net, and describe the process of using nets to construct three-dimensional shapes.
  • Construct a triangular-based pyramid (tetrahedron).
  • Define the term: prism and identify the net of a prism.
  • Match 3D shapes to their net.
  • Interpret picture graphs, bar graphs and line graphs.
  • Compare data displayed as picture graphs, bar graphs and line graphs.
  • Define symmetry and identify symmetry in the environment.
  • Draw single and multiple lines of symmetry.
  • Identify symmetry in cave art and 2D shapes.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120. The Cumulative Tests are in the Teaching Guide.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions


Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Year 4 is a Mathematics unit for Year 4 students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements. It aligns to the Australian Curriculum:

  • Express natural numbers as products of their factors, recognise multiples and determine if one number is divisible by another (AC9M4N02).
  • Plan and conduct statistical investigations by posing investigative questions or identifying a problem and collecting data relevant to it (AC9M4ST03).
  • Acquire, validate and represent data for nominal and ordinal, categorical and discrete numerical variables, to address (AC9M4ST01).
  • Interpret line graphs representing change over time; discuss the relationships that are represented and conclusions that can be made (AC9M4ST02).
  • Describe and perform translations, reflections and rotations of shapes, using dynamic geometric software where appropriate (AC9M4SP03).
  • Construct a grid coordinate system that uses coordinates to locate positions within a space (AC9M4SP02).
  • List the possible outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely outcomes and compare to those which are not equally likely (AC9M4P01).
  • Conduct repeated chance experiments to observe relationships between outcomes; identify and describe the variation in results (AC9M4P02).
  • Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies (ACMNA080).
Learning Objectives

In Lesson 10 (CMC Level E: Lesson 11–20), students learn to:

  • define area
  • identify regular shapes and calculate the area by counting the square centimetres
  • write the area unit of measurement (cm2) for regular shapes
  • identify irregular shapes and calculate the area by counting the square centimetres
  • write the area unit of measurement (cm2) for irregular shapes.

In Lesson 11 (CMC Level E: Lesson 21–30), students learn to:

  • identify odd and even numbers
  • add with odd and even numbers
  • subtract with odd and even numbers
  • divide with odd and even numbers.

In Lesson 12 (CMC Level E: Lesson 31–40), students learn to:

  • define data, identifying different methods for displaying data (table and frequency table) and how to interpret the data (tally marks)
  • identify how a survey can be used to collect data and represented using a frequency table
  • use tally marks to record and interpret data in a frequency table
  • use a frequency table to record data collected from observation and surveys.

In Lesson 13 (CMC Level E: Lesson 41–50), students learn to:

  • identify features of a picture graph
  • construct a simple picture graph
  • interpret a picture graph (picture represents frequency more than 1)
  • construct a many-to-one picture graph
  • identify features of a column graph
  • identify features of the vertical (y) axis
  • identify features of the horizontal (x) axis and compare graphs
  • label the features and construct a column graph from given data.

In Lesson 14 (CMC Level E: Lesson 51–60), students learn to:

  • define data and how it can be displayed
  • identify one-to-one correspondence in picture graphs
  • identify many-to-one correspondence in picture graphs
  • compare One-to-One and Many-to-One correspondence in picture graphs
  • pose questions that can be answered by the data results
  • compare different types of data displays with the same data represented in each
  • compare different types of data displays and evaluate the effectiveness of each.

In Lesson 15 (CMC Level E: Lesson 61–70), students learn to:

  • describe symmetry and examine symmetry in 2D shapes
  • identify and draw lines of symmetry
  • draw symmetrical shapes
  • identify shapes with complex symmetry.

In Lesson 16 (CMC Level E: Lessons 91–100), students learn to:

  • describe direction using the main points on a compass
  • describe direction using the minor points on a compass
  • describe direction of places on a map using points on a compass
  • identify the compass points and use direction to describe and interpret information on a map
  • use a legend to interpret information on a map
  • construct a legend from the information contained in a map
  • define and use scale to interpret distance on a map
  • use scale to interpret approximate distances on a map
  • construct a legend from information contained in a map, including a compass and scale.

In Lesson 17 (CMC Level E: Lessons 101–110), students learn to:

  • define: certain, likely, unlikely and impossible and use these terms to describe the probability of events
  • select either certain or impossible to describe the probability of an event
  • select either likely or unlikely to describe the probability of an event
  • order the probability of events from impossible to certain
  • describe the probability of an event occurring as more likely, less likely or equally likely
  • order the probability of events from least likely to most likely.

In Lesson 18 (CMC Level E: Lessons 111–120), students learn to:

  • define chance and apply the language of chance
  • apply the language of chance to order from least to most likely
  • apply the language of chance to order from least to most likely
  • order from most likely, least likely and equal chance to occur
  • define dependent events
  • identify events that cannot happen at the same time
  • define and label the timing of dependent events
  • define and label when a dependent event affects another event
  • identify when an event is dependent or not dependent.

In Lesson 19 (CMC Level E: Lessons 121–130), students learn to:

  • identify independent events that can happen at the same time
  • identify when an event is independent or dependent
  • identify how independent events do not affect the next event
  • demonstrate understanding of the timing and effect of dependent and independent events.
Success Criteria


  • Calculate the area of regular and irregular shapes.
  • Identify, add, subtract and divide odd and even numbers.
  • Create tables and use tally marks for data collection and displays.
  • Construct and label picture graphs and column graphs.
  • Understand symmetry.
  • Understand chance and probability of dependent and independent events.


  • Apply arithmetic skills for all units of measurement.
  • Solve comparison word problems.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120. The Cumulative Tests are in the Teaching Guide.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions


Top-ups and Swap-outs for Currency and Measurement – Year 5 is a Mathematics unit for Year 5 students. It works in cooperation with Connecting Maths Concepts (CMC) to ensure that delivery of CMC aligns with Australian Curriculum gap requirements. It aligns to the Australian Curriculum:

  • Select and use appropriate displays or visualisations, interpret and communicate findings or solutions within the context (AC9M5ST03).
  • Justify choices and explain results in terms of the situation (AC9M5N09).
  • Use observation and experience to assign probabilities that events occur in a given context, using fractions, percentages and decimals to indicate their estimated likelihood (AC9M6P01).
  • Recognise and describe what changes and what remains the same under the transformation and identify any rotational symmetries (AC9M5SP03).
  • Create simple financial plans (ACMNA106).
Learning Objectives

In Lesson 20 (CMC Level F: Lesson 31–40), students learn to:

  • use the grid reference system to describe location
  • apply directional language using the compass points (North, East, South and West)
  • use a legend to identify landmarks on a map
  • construct a legend from the information contained in a map, including a compass.

In lesson 21 (CMC Level F: Lessons 41–50), students learn to:

  • define data and how it can be displayed
  • read a frequency table
  • examine data question types
  • identify and use open questions and closed questions
  • identify categorical and numerical data types
  • collect categorical data and conduct a survey.

In Lesson 23 (CMC Level F: Lesson 61–70), students learn to:

  • calculate a tuckshop order
  • define and calculate a budget
  • create a budget for a class fundraising event
  • define and identify GST on items.

In Lesson 25 (CMC Level F: Lesson 81–90), students learn to:

  • define probability – certain, likely, even chance, unlikely and impossible – and use these terms to describe the probability of an event occurring
  • recognise that probabilities can be expressed as a fraction from 0 to 1.

In Lesson 28 (CMC Level F: Lesson 111–120), students learn to:

  • define and identify the rotational symmetry of two-dimensional shapes
  • identify the points of rotational symmetry
  • identify rotational symmetry in patterns
  • identify reflection symmetry using the x or y axis to complete the shape
  • identify line symmetry by drawing a reflection
  • define translation and use this term to describe two-dimensional shapes
  • describe the translations, reflections, or rotations of two-dimensional shapes
  • use rotational symmetry to draw a two-dimensional shape
  • define transformation and identify translations, reflections, and rotations
  • use enlargement transformation to draw two-dimensional shapes.
Success Criteria


  • Apply directional language and understand the compass points.
  • Collect and identify categorical and numerical data types.
  • Understand budgeting.
  • Define probability using language and fractions.
  • Understand symmetry, transformations, translations, reflections or rotations of two-dimensional shapes.


  • Apply arithmetic skills for all units of measurement.
  • Solve comparison word problems.

Mastery Tests

  • Mastery Tests are given at the end of every 10 lessons, designed to be taught over a two-week cycle. Mastery Tests allow teachers to monitor student understanding of the concepts taught in previous lessons and identify where reteaching is needed.
  • The Teaching Guide contains the Mastery Test script. Mastery Tests are delivered using a presentation script, board displays and a handout for students. The Teaching Guide also contains the Answer Key.

Cumulative Tests

  • There are two Cumulative Tests for Swap-Outs that are completed after lesson 60 and lesson 120. The Cumulative Tests are in the Teaching Guide.
  • Teachers copy the assessment and distribute to students at testing time.

Lesson Design

Recite, Recall, Apply

Lesson Objective

Success Criteria

Activating Prior Knowledge

I Do

We Do

You Do




Professional Learning

We have professional learning modules to assist schools in delivering Connecting Math Concepts (CMC). There is a module for each year level of CMC. Please ensure you are logged in to access these links: