Professional Development Video Modules
A range of specialised evidence-based modules that cover the knowledge, skills and practices of effective teaching. Videos showcase practical strategies modelled by well-known effective teaching experts. Videos enable participants to learn about effective teaching and confidently apply what they learn in their role.
Dynamic Vocabulary Strategies with Anita Archer
Anita Archer informs participants how to choose vocabulary to teach students from a text. She then presents five strategies teachers can use in their classroom to support the learning of vocabulary.
Learning Intents
Participants will learn how to use the following strategies in their classroom: relative words, known synonyms, context words, word pairs, and teach the easier family member.
Connected Word Strategies with Anita Archer
Anita Archer shares research-informed insights into the importance of teaching vocabulary to students.
Learning Intents
Participants will learn strategies relating to the following: prefixes and suffixes, dictionaries versus glossaries, and reading more to close the vocabulary gap in their classroom.
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction with Anita Archer
Anita Archer explores a number of research-informed strategies to use when teaching vocabulary.
Learning Intents
- Participants will understand how to apply the 3-tier model of vocabulary development.
- Participants will learn strategies for explicitly teaching vocabulary.
Using Read-Alouds to Teach Vocabulary with Anita Archer
Anita Archer models using a read-aloud text to support the learning of vocabulary.
Learning Intents
- Participants will learn five things to consider when choosing a read-aloud to use with their class.
- Participants will learn strategies to support the learning of vocabulary using read-alouds.
Instructional Routines for Teaching Vocabulary with Anita Archer
Anita Archer provides an instructional routine that teachers can use with their classes to assist in teaching students new words.
Learning Intents
- Participants will learn the five steps of an instructional routine for teaching new words.
- Participants will practise each step of the routine.
An Introduction to Teaching Writing with Anita Archer
Anita Archer shares the importance of prioritising different writing genres. She specifically recommends teaching summarising to classes as well as compare and contrast passages. Anita models a strategy for explicitly teaching writing to a class.
Learning Intents
- Participants will learn to teach what is critical when choosing genres to teach to a class.
- Participants will identify foundational skills that need to be explicitly taught to their class.
Giving Feedback for Writing with Anita Archer
Anita Archer explores some of the challenges teachers face when giving effective feedback. She then models research-informed strategies for giving feedback to students.
Learning Intents
- Participants will understand how to give feedback in real-time.
- Participants will learn how to elicit more effective peer feedback.
Student Motivation in Writing with Anita Archer
Anita Archer explains why students struggle with motivation when producing written products. She then provides three strategies for increasing student motivation.
Learning Intents
- Participants will learn how to increase students’ perceived probability of success.
- Participants will learn to apply strategies that will motivate students and cause them to have a growth mindset.
Teaching a Writing Genre with Anita Archer
Anita Archer demonstrates how to break down the teaching of a written genre by looking at what its characteristics are and how to teach it to students.
Learning Intents
- Participants will understand how to use rubrics in the teaching of writing.
- Participants will learn how to better use exemplars with their class.
Using Writing Frame with Anita Archer
Anita Archer will explore different types of writing frames and how they can best be used to improve students’ writing.
Learning Intents
Participants will learn how to use writing frames to teach a genre and how to phrase them to encourage students to be more independent writers.
Strategy for Writing a Descriptive Paragraph with Anita Archer
Anita Archer models a teaching strategy for planning and writing a descriptive paragraph.
Learning Intents
Participants will learn to apply the list, cross out, connect and number strategies for writing a descriptive paragraph.
Transcribing a Plan into a Paragraph with Anita Archer
Anita Archer models how to take a plan and transcribe it into a written product.
Learning Intents
- Participants will learn how to model transcription to their classes.
- Participants will pre-correct students’ errors to improve the quality of their written work.
Using a Compare and Contrast Think Sheet with Anita Archer
Anita Archer models how to use a compare and contrast think sheet to scaffold students’ writing.
Learning Intents
- Participants will practise using a think sheet.
- Participants will identify particular writing genres where think sheets would benefit their students’ planning.