Explore our range of curriculum maps and guides that show how curriculum programs featuring effective teaching meet the standards of the Australian Curriculum in English, maths and science.
English Direct Instruction for Australian Schools
Guide to assist schools using McGraw Hill’s Direct Instruction programs to understand how they deliver the English standards of the Australian Curriculum.
Mathematics Direct Instruction for Australian Schools
Guide to assist schools using McGraw Hill’s Direct Instruction programs to understand how they deliver the Mathematics standards of the Australian Curriculum.
English Direct Instruction for Australian Schools
This guide shows how Direct Instruction programs can be used to achieve the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
It sets out the English standards and learning area sub-strands (Language, Literature, and Literacy) of the Australian Curriculum and shows how the Direct Instruction programs meet them.
Oz-e-English programs can be used as a standalone curriculum or to supplement Direct Instruction programs. They have been specifically designed to address any gaps in the requirements of the Australian Curriculum that are not met by Direct Instruction programs.
Programs mapped:
- Reading Mastery Signature Edition for Grades K-6
- Corrective Reading Decoding for Grades 3-6
- Corrective Reading Comprehension for Grades 3-6
- Spelling Mastery
- Spelling Through Morphographs
- Oz-e-English Writing (Language)
- Oz-e-English Writing (Creative)
- Oz-e-English Writing (Civics)
- Oz-e-English Writing (Business and Economics)
- Oz-e-English Writing (History)
- Direct Instruction NAPLAN Preparation
Mathematics Direct Instruction for Australian Schools
This guide shows how Direct Instruction programs can be used to achieve the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
It sets out the Mathematics standards of the Australian Curriculum and shows how the Direct Instruction programs meet them.
Oz-e-maths programs can be used as a standalone curriculum or to supplement Direct Instruction programs. They have been specifically designed to address any gaps in the requirements of the Australian Curriculum that are not met by Direct Instruction programs.
Programs mapped:
- Direct Instruction System for Teaching Arithmetic
- Connecting Mathematics Concepts
- Corrective Mathematics
- Essentials for Algebra
- Reading Mastery Signature Edition
- Oz-e-maths Supplementary Materials for Connecting Maths Concepts
- Direct Instruction NAPLAN Preparation
Oz-e-science Mapped to the Australian Curriculum
This document shows how teachers can use Oz-e-science to achieve the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
It sets out the science standards and learning area sub-strands of the Australian Curriculum and shows how the Oz-e-science units meet them.