Curriculum Articles

Integrate HASS with Oz-e-English Writing Years 5-6: Creative Writing, History, Business & Economics, Geography and Civics

Good to Great Schools Australia’s Oz-e-English Writing units allow you to fit more Australian Curriculum into your day. It does this by integrating key learning areas -including Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)- with English through rich exemplar texts, writing...

Overcome Performance Hurdles: Introducing Our Spelling Mastery Toolkit

This Spelling Mastery toolkit is designed to provide comprehensive support for schools implementing the Direct Instruction spelling program, Spelling Mastery.

English, Maths and Science Program Continues to Build on Remote School Success  

Good to Great Schools Australia will continue to deliver its pilot program supporting primary schools nationwide to improve students’ literacy, numeracy and science outcomes.

The program will also increase teacher pedagogical skills using evidence-based explicit instruction programs and professional learning for entire school teams.

Why Your Child’s School Attendance Matters

In this article, we will discuss why school attendance matters, the benefits of aiming for 100 per cent attendance, the consequences of missing school, strategies to achieve 100 per cent attendance, understanding and addressing attendance barriers, the role of parents in supporting regular attendance, and seeking support when attendance issues arise.