Bible Literacy F-6

Unit 1

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Starter Lessons

Unit Overviews

Foundation Year: The Beginning

Unit Description

In Unit One, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of foundational events from the Old Testament. Unit One will help students understand the beginning of the world, beginning with the story of creation. From there, the unit will explore the consequences of sin, while also highlighting God’s grace, forgiveness and sovereignty through stories like Noah and the Flood and the Trial of Abraham. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content, all while making connections to their everyday lives. The digital stories offer an engaging and modern approach to learning, allowing students to reflect on how biblical lessons can shape their understanding of values and faith in a relatable way.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Creation
  • Adam and Eve
  • The Fall
  • Noah and the Flood
  • The Tower of Babel
  • Call of Abraham
  • The Promise of Isaac
  • The Trial of Abraham

Christian Beliefs about the stories 

  • God created the world and everything in it.
  • God created the world in seven days.
  • God gave people a day of rest.
  • Christians believe that God created all people.
  • Christians believe that God created people to help each other.
  • Sad things happen in the world because Adam and Eve did not listen to God.
  • Because of Adam and Eve, all people make mistakes sometimes.
  • The rainbow is a sign that God will not flood the whole world again.
  • People take care of God’s creation, like the animals.
  • God created different languages at the Tower of Babel.
  • God is all powerful.
  • Abraham is the father of the Christian faith.
  • God keeps His promises.
  • God wants people to listen to Him.
  • God will provide for the needs of people.

Animated flipbook


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 1: God Saves

Unit Description

In Unit One, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of how God protects, guides, and delivers His people through difficult circumstances. Students will learn about how God was involved in the lives of important Old Testament characters and the Hebrew people as a whole. Students will discover a common theme of God’s faithfulness and mercy to His people even when they faltered.

Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content all while making connections to their everyday lives. The digital stories offer an engaging and modern approach to learning, allowing students to reflect on how biblical lessons can shape their understanding of values and faith in a relatable way.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Joseph Sold into Slavery
  • Joseph’s Rise to Power
  • The Birth of Moses
  • Call of Moses
  • The Passover
  • Crossing the Red Sea
  • The Law
  • The Golden Calf

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • God has a plan for each person’s life.
  • God protects His people.
  • God can use bad things to accomplish His plan.
  • God takes care of HIs people.
  • God is loving.
  • God protects His people.
  • God is powerful and can do miracles.
  • God had a special plan for the Hebrews.
  • God has power over nature.
  • God can do things that seem impossible.
  • God gives people rules and instructions to follow.
  • The 10 Commandments were a set of important rules given to the Hebrews.
  • There is only one God.
  • Only God should be worshipped.
  • God is forgiving.

Animated flipbook


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 2: Covenant People

Unit Description

In Unit 1, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the creation of the earth, the fall of Adam and Eve, the story of Cain’s betrayal of Abel, and the life of Abraham and Sarah. Students will learn how the world was created according to the Christian faith through the creation story. Students will learn how sin entered the world through Adam and Eve. Students will also reflect on how God treats those who sin through his actions towards Cain. Students will learn about God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah and how that promise is connected to modern-day Jewish people. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content, all while making connections to their everyday lives. Students will learn about different people and countries while appreciating beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Creation
  • The Fall
  • Cain and Abel
  • The Flood
  • Call of Abraham
  • Melchizedek
  • The Promise of Isaac
  • The Trial of Abraham

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • God is powerful and creative because He created the world and everything in it.
  • All of creation is good and has a purpose in God’s plan.
  • Humans are made in God’s image and have special relationship with Him.
  • Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve didn’t listen to God.
  • Even when we sin, God offers forgiveness and a way to restore our relationship with Him.
  • Jealousy and anger, if not controlled, can lead to sinful actions.
  • God sees and knows everyone’s actions, and He holds them accountable for how they treat others.
  • Even after sin, God still loves them and offers them mercy and protection.
  • The Bible is a special book that tells us about who God is and how He shows Himself to us.
  • They must respect God and everything he made because it’s all very special.
  • God saved Noah, his family, and animals from the flood because Noah listened to God.
  • God has a plan for us all and that we should trust His word.
  • God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and Sarah because they trusted him.
  • Modern-day Jewish people come from Abraham and Sarah.
  • Melchizedek was a special person because of his love of God.
  • God will reward people who are good and brave.
  • God will always fulfil His promise to us.
  • God sends us trials to test our faith.

Animated flipbook
Animated notes

Cultural Representation

New Zealand Christians
German Christians
Haitian Christians
Aboriginal Christians
Dutch Christians
Jamaican Christians
Russian Christians
Armenian Christians


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 3: Jacob

Unit Description

In unit one, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the pivotal moments leading up to Jacob’s transformation into Israel: Beginning with the story of Jacob’s deception to gain Esau’s birthright, students will trace each powerful narrative, from Jacob’s flight from home and encounters with God, to his struggles and challenging relationships with family. They will examine Jacob wrestling with God, his transformation into Israel, and his reconciliation with Esau. Each story reveals the deeper significance of Jacob’s actions and choices, set against the historical and cultural context of the time.Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Selling the Birthright
  • She’s my Sister II
  • The Well Digger
  • Stolen Blessing
  • Jacob’s Two Wives
  • Speckled, Spotted, and Streaked
  • Leaving Laban
  • Two Camps

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians think this story teaches them that sometimes, they might want something quickly, but they should stop and think if it’s the best choice.
  • Christians believe this story reminds them to treasure the good things that God gives them, like families, faith, and their special purpose in life.
  • Christians believe that Esau giving away his birthright is important because it’s part of God’s big plan that eventually leads to Jesus, who brings God’s blessing to everyone.
  • Christians believe the story shows that even when life is hard or scary, like during a famine, it’s important to listen to God and trust Him to provide.
  • Christians believe this story shows God is faithful and will still watch over them, even when they make wrong choices.
  • God had reassured Isaac He would bless him and his descendants. Christians believe this is important because it shows God’s promises don’t change, even when people make mistakes.
  • Christians believe the story shows that when they work hard, He blesses us in amazing ways.
  • Christians learn from Isaac that when people try to make trouble, it’s better to look for peace rather than fight back.
  • Christians believe this part of the story shows how God can help them find peace if they trust Him and try not to fight with others.
  • Christians think this is important because it shows how God can help them to solve problems peacefully and make friends, even with people who used to be against them.
  • Christians believe that even though Jacob wasn’t perfect and tricked his dad, God still had a special plan for him.
  • Christians believe that God’s plans are bigger than their mistakes. Even when people do wrong things, God can still use them to do something important.
  • Jacob got the special blessing, which meant he was part of God’s promise to make a big family, take care of them, and bless the world through them. Christians believe this is important because Jesus comes from this family.
  • Christians believe God keeps His promises, just like He did for Jacob when God promised to bless Jacob and his family.
  • Christians believe that God is with them all the time, watching over them and helping them.
  • Christians believe God was still working in Jacob’s life to make His promises come true even when Jacob went through hard times.
  • Christians believe that God uses hard or confusing times for a good purpose.
  • Christians believe that God cares about their wishes, their pain and their needs, just as He did for Rachel.
  • Christians believe that God always hears prayers, and He answers them in the way and time that He thinks is best for them even if it’s not straightaway.
  • Christians believe that even when things are tough or don’t make sense, God has a plan that will work out for the good.
  • Christians believe God promised to help Jacob, and God kept that promise.
  • Christians believe this story shows God watches over and protects people who trust Him. God constantly cares for His people and guides them.
  • Christians believe it is here that God’s chosen people get their name: Israel.
  • Christians believe this story shows God can change people for the better and help them become who they are meant to be.

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Dutch Christians
Haitian Christians
Israeli Christians
Italian Christians
Russian Christians
Indian Christians
American Christians
Syrian Christians


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 4: Saul and David

Unit Description

In Unit One, students will explore the rise and fall of Saul and the rise of David as God’s chosen leader, delving into foundational stories that emphasise themes of leadership, humility, and God’s guidance in shaping leaders. They will examine Saul’s failures, David’s anointing, his growth as a leader, and his respect for God’s authority, culminating in David’s establishment of an empire. Through engaging narratives, students will uncover valuable lessons and values, including courage, faith, and resilience, while studying the historical context and significance of each story in shaping the kingship of David and Saul.

Additionally, students will explore Christian communities around the world, learning about diverse cultures, languages, and people. Using a globe or map, they will locate each featured country, fostering a sense of global connection. They will also appreciate beautiful artwork related to the stories of David and hear key Bible verses in various languages, enriching their understanding of the global Christian community and nurturing empathy and respect for others.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Saul Made King
  • Failing the Test
  • Anointing of David
  • David and Goliath
  • Running from Saul
  • Corner of the Robe
  • Moving the Ark
  • David’s Empire

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe God chooses people for important roles, even if they feel unimportant.
  • Christians believe God’s guidance is essential for leadership.
  • Christians believe anointing is a sign of God’s blessing and calling.
  • Christians believe God equips individuals to face challenges, even when circumstances seem daunting.
  • Christians believe it is important to wait for God’s guidance.
  • Christians believe obedience to God’s commands is essential.
  • Christians believe God values a person’s heart over outward appearance, showing the importance of character.
  • Christians believe God can choose unexpected individuals for important roles, showing anyone can serve Him.
  • Christians believe music and talent can bring healing, as David’s harp soothed King Saul.
  • Christians believe God helps people overcome even the biggest challenges.
  • Christians believe courage and faith are important when facing fears.
  • Christians believe God cares for and protects those who trust in Him.
  • Christians believe God is always present and supportive, even in dangerous or uncertain times.
  • Christians believe faith and trust in God are essential when facing challenges.
  • Christians believe God helps people grow into better leaders, even during tough times.
  • Christians believe God takes care of their needs and has a special plan for each person, even in hard times.
  • Christians believe it is important to show mercy, as David did when he chose not to harm Saul.
  • Christians believe God has a plan for everyone and trust His timing, as David did while waiting to become king.
  • Christians believe in honouring those in authority, as David respected Saul, who was chosen by God.
  • Christians believe honouring God by following His instructions is important, as David learnt when moving the Ark.
  • Christians believe celebrating God’s presence is a joyful and important part of worship.
  • Christians believe God blesses those who honour Him and do what is right.
  • Christians believe God blesses those who trust and follow Him.
  • Christians believe God’s plans are often different from human plans and sometimes lead to greater things.
  • Christians see David’s kindness to Jonathan’s son as an example of God’s kindness, inspiring them to show kindness to others.

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Russian Christians
American Christians
Syrian Christians
African American Christians
French Christians
Austrian Christians
Ethiopian Christians
Italian Christians


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 5: Following God’s Law

Unit Description

In Unit One, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of key biblical stories and teachings that highlight themes of faith, compassion, and spiritual growth. In this unit, students will explore foundational stories and teachings from both the Old and New Testaments, beginning with the call of Moses and the giving of the Law, through to Jesus’ declaration as the Bread of Life. Students will examine these passages, including the Shema, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and the Sermon on the Mount, to understand how these texts conveyed essential beliefs and values to early Jewish and Christian audiences. Through questioning and analysis, students will develop skills to interpret key themes, such as faith, obedience, compassion, and gratitude, while drawing connections to their own lives. By engaging in activities, discussions, and reflections, students will deepen their understanding of how characters, events, and core teachings in the Bible shape perspectives on moral choices, relationships, and community. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.
Students will examine allusions from the Bible and develop a deeper understanding of these sacred references. Students are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Call of Moses
  • The Law
  • The Shema
  • A Furnace Filled with Fire
  • Psalm 34
  • Good Samaritan
  • Sermon on the Mount
  • Bread of Life

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe God is in control of history and actively works to fulfil His promises and take care of His people.
  • Christians believe God is compassionate and desires to be known by His people and to guide them in their struggles.
  • Christians believe God gives special graces to the people He calls to lead and serve others, giving them the ability to overcome their own doubts or insecurities.
  • Christians believe that the Ten Commandments reflect God’s authority and wisdom, guiding how we should live our lives according to His will.
  • Christians believe in the importance of God’s covenants, which emphasise the commitment between God and His people, fulfilled through faith in Jesus.
  • Christians believe they have a moral responsibility to act with love, justice and compassion toward others.
  • Christians believe there is one God.
  • Christians believe that God desires a relationship with them.
  • Christians believe God is so wonderful that He should be loved with all their heart, soul and strength.
  • Christians believe in serving only God and not worshipping idols, as taught in the 10 Commandments and the Shema.
  • This story encourages Christians to stay faithful to God, even when pressured to follow other beliefs or practices.
  • Christians trust that God will be with them and care for them when they stay true to their faith in Him.
  • Christians believe God is always near and listens to those who call on Him, especially in times of trouble.
  • Christians believe that praising God brings comfort and helps them focus on His goodness and faithfulness, even in difficult times.
  • Christians believe that God’s goodness and grace are there for everyone. They encourage others to ‘taste and see’ how good He is by trusting Him.
  • Christians believe that God calls them to show compassion to all people, regardless of differences.
  • Christians believe helping those in need is a way to follow God’s command to love others.
  • Christians believe loving their neighbour means caring for people who are struggling or hurting.
  • Christians believe that people who are humble, merciful, and pure in heart are blessed. Having wealth or power is not a blessing.
  • Christians believe they should be ‘salt and light’ in the world, making a positive impact on others by showing God’s love in their actions.
  • Christians believe true faith is shown in what they do. They obey God because their hearts are changed, rather than just following God’s rules.
  • Christians believe that Jesus calling himself the Bread of Life means he is essential for a meaningful spiritual life.
  • Christians believe true fulfilment comes from a relationship with Jesus, who provides lasting spiritual nourishment.
  • Christians believe trusting in Jesus brings a sense of peace and satisfaction that cannot be found in worldly things.

Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Indian Christians
Aboriginal Australian Christians
Jewish Christians
Greek Christians
Ukrainian Christians
Brazilian Christians
Hungarian Christians
Lebanese Christians

Allusions from the Bible

A Burning Bush Moment
I am who I am
Ten Commandments
Thou Shalt Not
Mountaintop Experience
Mount Sinai
Stone Tablets
Land of Milk and Honey
All Day, Every Day
Fiery Furnace
Walking through Fire
Radiant Faces
Taking Refuge
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Helping Hand
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Hard to Swallow


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Year 6: God’s Prophets

Unit Description

In Unit One, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of God’s chosen messengers in the Old Testament. Starting with Jonah and Psalm 103, students will explore how God cares about all people, offering them forgiveness, as well as highlighting the importance of obedience to Him. The Call of Samuel reinforces this, as students learn how Samuel followed God’s leading, even when it was difficult. The final four lessons of Unit One let students explore the life of Elijah, showing how God leads and provides, answers prayer and enables His people to do His work. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.
Students will examine allusions from the Bible and develop a deeper understanding of these sacred references. Students are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Unit Overview

9 Week Unit
Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.

Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Jonah and the Fish
  • Jonah and the Vine
  • Psalm 103
  • Call of Samuel
  • Elijah and the Widow
  • Elijah on Mount Carmel
  • Elijah on Mount Horeb
  • Elijah in the Whirlwind

Christian Beliefs about the stories 

  • Christians believe that God cares about all people and wants everyone to have the chance to turn to Him.
  • Christians believe that it is important to always obey God instead of doing what they think is best.
  • Christians believe that God forgives people and hears their prayers, just as he forgave Jonah when he was in the fish.
  • Christians believe that God’s love is big. He gives people many opportunities to turn away from doing wrong and be forgiven.
  • Christians believe that when people turn away from doing wrong and ask God to forgive them, he is merciful.
  • Christians believe that God cares about all people, even ones they may not like themselves. As a result, they are to show love to all people as well.
  • Christians believe that it is important to praise and thank God for all the good things He does. This can be done alone or with others, in song, prayer, writing thoughts down and listening to God.
  • Christians believe that God’s love for people is never ending. He is merciful and forgiving, helping those in need.
  • Christians believe that God’s Spirit in them guides them to live lives that please Him in different ways.
  • Christians believe that God can speak to them at any time. Many show they are willing to listen by spending time in silence, praying and listening.
  • Christians try to follow God’s leading so they can do what He wants. Sometimes, that means doing difficult things, but because they have faith in God, they want to obey anyway.
  • Christians believe that God can use anyone to do his work. Nobody is unimportant to God, and he can make the weak strong.
  • Christians believe that God can provide for their needs.
  • Christians believe that God has power over life and death. He can even bring people back from the dead.
  • Christians believe that God wants people to trust Him, even when things look impossible to them. He is always in control.
  • Christians believe that there is only one true God who is real and all-powerful. They believe that other gods people worship are not real.
  • Christians believe that God is always there. He hears and answers their prayers.
  • Christians believe that trusting God takes courage sometimes, especially when faced with difficult situations.
  • Christians believe that God cares about how they feel, helping them when they need encouragement or strength.
  • Christians believe God doesn’t always show Himself in big ways, but in calm and quiet ways they may not expect. Many Christians use silence when they pray, so they can listen and talk to God without distractions.
  • Christians believe that God has a purpose for each of them. They do not have to worry because He will provide all they need to do what He wants them to.
  • Christians believe that they will go to be with God and His angels one day in heaven.
  • Christians believe that God blesses them with His power so they can live the way He wants them to and help others.
  • Christians believe that they are never really alone, even when people leave them. God is always with them, and He loves them.

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Aboriginal Australian Christians in Ceduna, South Australia
Turkish Christians
Hispanic American Christians
Indian Christians
Australian Christians
Syrian Christians
Russian Christians
New Zealand Christians

Allusions from the Bible

A Jonah
In the belly of the whale
40 Days
Bless the Lord
As far as the east is from the west
Days are like grass
Here I am
Destiny calls
A little goes a long way
Run dry
Fire from Heaven
On the horizon
Still, small voice
Hide in a cave
Run for your life
Double portion
Chariots of fire
Take up the mantle


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

Other Units