Natasha Carson

Integrate HASS with Oz-e-English Writing Years 5-6: Creative Writing, History, Business & Economics, Geography and Civics

Integrate HASS with Oz-e-English Writing Years 5-6: Creative Writing, History, Business & Economics, Geography and Civics

Good to Great Schools Australia’s Oz-e-English Writing units allow you to fit more Australian Curriculum into your day. It does this by integrating key learning areas -including Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)- with English through rich exemplar texts, writing...

Enhancing Education in Papua New Guinea: GGSA’s Landmark International Collaboration

Enhancing Education in Papua New Guinea: GGSA’s Landmark International Collaboration

For the first time, Good to Great Schools Australia (GGSA) is joining forces with an international agency to uplift educational outcomes overseas. This groundbreaking partnership involves GGSA, the PNG National Department of Education, and the Department of Foreign...

Noel Pearson: The Power of Direct Instruction

Noel Pearson: The Power of Direct Instruction

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, Noel Pearson presented a compelling webinar on Direct Instruction. Hosted by McGraw Hill Australia in collaboration with Good to Great Schools Australia (GGSA), the event was titled The Power of Direct Instruction and featured insights...