
Explore our range of assessment templates which can be applied to all curriculum subject areas.  

Grading Table Template

Download the adaptable Grading Table Template. This table supports the evaluation of student achievements using the clear and concise explanation provided in the A–E Grading Table. 

Student Marking Rubric Template

Download the adaptable Student Marking Rubric Template. Add elaborations to match the content descriptors to clearly define the knowledge, skill or understanding being assessed. 

Spelling Mastery includes student workbooks

Student Marking Rubric Template 

The Student Marking Rubric can be applied to all curriculum subject areas and is used to clearly outline the assessment criteria of the Progress Test or End of Unit Assessment for students. 

Download the template. Add elaborations or tasks that match the content descriptors to clearly and simply define the knowledge, skill or understanding that is being assessed. Mark the rubric to record student achievement. 

Content descriptors and elaborations for Oz-e-Learn for Progress Tests and End of Unit Assessments are outlined in the Unit Overviews. 

The Student Marking Rubric can be attached to students work and provides students with a clear understanding of their achievements and areas for improvement.  

Grading Table Template  

The Grading Table Template provides a clear and concise explanation of how the A–E grading system is used and supports teachers to report students’ achievements against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards.  

It effectively communicates the different levels of achievement and relates them to the expectations at each year level.  

This kind of transparency in grading systems is crucial for both parents and students to accurately understand and interpret academic progress. 


How to Use the Asessment Templates   

The Student Marking Rubric Template and Grading Table Template can be applied to all curriculum subject areas. 

  • Download the template. Populate the ACARA content descriptors being addressed in the Progress Test or End of Unit Assessment.  
  • Add elaborations or tasks that match the content descriptors that clearly define the knowledge, skill or understanding that is being assessed.  
  • Content descriptors and elaborations for Oz-e-Learn for Progress Tests and End of Unit Assessments are outlined in the Unit Overviews. 
  • The standard of student achievement is assessed and evaluated using the clear and concise explanation provided in the A–E Grading Table. 
  • Notes that address each elaboration can be added, and space is provided at the bottom of the table to detail areas to work on and ‘where to next’ steps. 

Penalty Involvement

This system is a valuable tool for parents to gain insights into their child’s academic development. 

It facilitates effective communication between teachers and parents, fostering a collaborative approach to support a student’s learning journey. 

Tracking Student Progress

Teachers can use the A–E reporting system to track individual student progress over time, identifying trends, patterns, and areas that may need additional attention. This allows for timely interventions to address learning gaps and provide targeted support. 

Reporting and Feedback 

Formal reports generated through the A–E system can provide detailed information about a student’s performance, including specific strengths, areas for improvement, and suggestions for further development. 

Constructive feedback allows students to understand their achievements and challenges, encouraging self-reflection and goal-setting. 

Curriculum Planning  

Educators can use the data generated by the A–E system to inform curriculum planning and instructional strategies. This helps teachers tailor their approaches to meet the diverse needs of students, ensuring a more personalised and effective learning experience.