NAPLAN Test Prep: Language – Years 3 and 5
Direct Instruction
Teaching Resources
The NAPLAN Language Test Preparation is a Language program for Year 3 and Year 5 students. It aligns to the Australian Curriculum English Strand:
- Know that word contractions are a feature of informal language and that apostrophes of contraction are used to signal missing letters. (ACELA1480)
- Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features. (ACELY1680)
- Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation. (ACELY1683)
- Create texts that adapt language features and patterns encountered in literary texts, for example characterisation, rhyme, rhythm, mood, music, sound effects and dialogue. (ACELT1791)
- Understand how the grammatical category of possessives is signalled through apostrophes and how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns. (ACELA1506)
- Identify and explain characteristic text structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text. (ACELY1701)
Learning Objectives
In Lessons 1 to 15, students learn about:
- singular and plural possessives and using apostrophes
- pronouns
- capitalization of proper nouns
- combining sentences using and, or, because and but.
In addition to presenting language concepts, the test prep teaches and provides practice on the type of worksheet responses required on the NAPLAN tests.
Success Criteria
- Understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas.
- Understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics.
- Include writing and images in texts to express and develop, in some detail, experiences, events, information, ideas and characters.
- Create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar audiences.
- Contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking questions, providing useful feedback and making presentations.
- Demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing.
- Use knowledge of letter–sound relationships including consonant and vowel clusters and high-frequency words to spell words accurately.
- Re-read and edit their writing, checking their work for appropriate vocabulary, structure and meaning.
- Write using joined letters that are accurately formed and consistent in size.