Bible Literacy F-6

Unit 2

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Starter Lessons

Unit Overviews

Foundation Year: The Saviour

Unit Description

In Unit Two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of foundational events from the New Testament. This unit introduces students to Jesus’ teachings and the key events of His sacrifice and resurrection, showing how He fulfilled His mission to save humanity. The stories highlight both His words and actions as part of His role as the Saviour. This unit also allows students to build an understanding of key beliefs in the Christian faith such as being a light, loving others as themselves and God’s love for all people.


Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content, all while making connections to their everyday lives. The digital stories offer an engaging and modern approach to learning, allowing students to reflect on how biblical lessons can shape their understanding of values and faith in a relatable way.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Sermon on the Mount
  • Good Samaritan
  • Lost Sheep, Coin and Son
  • Triumphal Entry
  • The Last Supper
  • Gethsemane
  • Crucifixion
  • Resurrection

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe in setting an example for other people.
  • Christians believe in loving and helping other people.
  • All people should be treated with kindness.
  • God should be loved with the whole body, mind, soul and strength.
  • God loves all people.
  • Jesus tells stories to help people understand God.
  • Christians believe in worshipping Jesus.
  • Christians participate in the Eucharist to remember Jesus.
  • Jesus prayed to God.
  • Jesus knew he was going to be arrested and crucified.
  • Jesus suffered and died for the sins of all people.
  • Jesus rose on the third day just as He said He would.

Animated flipbook


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%. 
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit. 

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 1: New Kingdom

Unit Description

In Unit Two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of God’s plan through Jesus’ death, resurrection, and the promise of his return.

Students will learn about key events, places and characters in the life of Jesus. They will discover Jesus’ mission and how he called ‘the twelve’ to share in that mission. Students will explore the historical context of each story, revealing aspects of Jewish life at the time.

Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content, all while making connections to their everyday lives. The digital stories offer an engaging and modern approach to learning, allowing students to reflect on how biblical lessons can shape their understanding of values and faith in a relatable way.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Triumphal Entry
  • The Last Supper
  • Gethsemane
  • Crucifixion
  • Resurrection
  • Commission, Ascension, Waiting
  • New Heaven & New Earth
  • New Jerusalem

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe that Jesus is worthy of honour and praise. 
  • Christians believe Jesus showed humility. 
  • Christians believe Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples the night before he was arrested. 
  • Christians participate in the Eucharist to remember Jesus. 
  • Christians believe Jesus served others and wants them to also. 
  • Christians believe Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane showed his obedience to God. 
  • Christians believe people should listen to God even when it is hard. 
  • Christians believe Jesus died so that people could be forgiven by God. 
  • Christians believe because Jesus died, now Christians can talk to God themselves.  
  • Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. 
  • Christians believe they are to tell others about God. 
  • Christians believe one day Jesus will come back to the earth. 
  • Christians believe the Holy Spirit helps them. 
  • Christians believe one day God will make a new heaven and new earth.  
  • Christians believe the new heaven and new earth will be free of pain, sadness and death. 
  • Christians believe all people who follow God will get to live with Him in New Jerusalem. 

Animated flipbook


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%. 
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit. 

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 2: Jesus and the Disciples

Unit Description

In unit two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of Jesus’ final days with his disciples, His death and resurrection, and the establishment of God’s Kingdom. Students will learn about the fulfilment of God’s plan and the crux of the Christian faith through stories of the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and Burial, and his Resurrection. Students will also learn about the beginnings of the early church through stories illustrating the empowerment of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ followers as they continue his work in the new kingdom. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore stories from the Bible using an interactive digital flipbook. This tool helps students unpack key elements such as character, setting, important themes and historical content, all while making connections to their everyday lives. Students will learn about different people and countries while appreciating beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • The Transfiguration
  • Triumphal Entry
  • The Last Supper
  • Gethsemane
  • Crucifixion and Burial
  • The Resurrection
  • Peter Heals a Crippled Man
  • Peter’s Jail Break

Christian Beliefs about the stories

The Transfiguration 

  • Christians believe that Moses and Elijah were important prophets in the Old Testament. 
  • Christians believe that Jesus is the saviour that the Old Testament prophets spoke about. 
  • Christians believe that Jesus is not a prophet, but God’s son. 

Triumphal Entry 

  • Christians believe Jesus is a special king who bring love and peace. 
  • Christians also believe people should be excited because Jesus came to help others. 
  • Christians believe that Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey shows that God is humble and peaceful, caring more about love and kindness than being powerful. 

The Last Supper 

  • Christians believe that even when people make bad choices, Jesus still loves them and forgives them.   
  • Christians believe the Last Supper shows that God is loving and wants to be close to them, sharing His love and reminding them to care for one another.  
  • Christians also believe Jesus sets an example for them, showing them to do kind and caring things to others. 


  • Christians believe that they can always pray to God for help when they are upset and sad. 
  • Christians believe that God always hears their prayers. 

Crucifixion and Burial 

  • Christians believe that God is perfect and wants to be with them, but that is not possible because Christians believe they are not perfect. 
  • Christians believe Jesus took all their imperfections and paid for them by dying on the cross. 
  • Since Jesus died on the cross for them, Christians believe they can now be with a perfect God. 

The Resurrection 

  • Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead three days after he was crucified. 
  • Christians believe that God will take them to heaven to be with him at the end of their lives. 
  • Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

Peter Heals a Crippled Man 

  • Christians believe that they should tell others about how Jesus saves. 
  • Christians believe that God helps them be bold through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Peter’s Jail Break 

  • Christians believe in the importance of praying together. 
  • Christians believe God takes an active role in their lives. 
  • Christians believe they have peace in times of trouble because God is with them.  

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%. 
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit. 

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 3: Journey of Hope

Unit Description

In Unit Two, students will explore the final events of Jesus’ life and discover how the early Christian church began.

They will learn about Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, his selfless sacrifice on the cross, and the miracle of his resurrection. The story reaches an unforgettable climax with Jesus’ ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through this journey, students will grasp the life-changing hope of salvation: everyone can be forgiven for their mistakes and have a close relationship with God. Students will also develop an understanding of how Christianity began with the formation of a new community of believers, who were filled with God’s ongoing presence and guidance.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Triumphal Entry 
  • Last Week of Ministry 
  • The Last Supper 
  • Gethsemane 
  • Crucifixion 
  • Resurrection 
  • Commission, Ascension, and Waiting 
  • The Coming of the Holy Spirit 

Christian Beliefs about the stories

Triumphal Entry 

  • Christians believe that Mary shows genuine love. She shows loving worship for God. They believe this is how people should behave towards God.  
  • Christians believe that thinking about Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem helps them to think about their relationship with God. They reflect on this event on a special day called Palm Sunday. 
  • Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah: the old-awaited Son of God. 

Last Week of Ministry 

  • Christians believe they must pray with great faith that God will answer their prayers in the way that is best for them.  
  • Jesus should be welcomed as the Son of God. 

The Last Supper 

  • Some Christians believe the bread and the cup represent Jesus’ body and blood.  
  • Other Christians believe the bread and the cup became Jesus’ body and blood. 
  • All Christians remember the Last Supper on a special day called Maundy Thursday. They remember Jesus and what he did and continues to do for them. 


  • This story gives comfort and support to Christians.  
  • Christians believe that Jesus understands the pain they feel because he experienced pain too.  
  • This story teaches Christians that they should pray to God when they are going through difficult times, just as Jesus had prayed. 
  • Many Christians call this story, The Agony in the Garden. 


  • Christians believe that Jesus’ crucifixion is a crucial moment because it healed the relationship between God and people. 
  • Many Christians believe that the dramatic events that happen immediately after Jesus’ death are very powerful because they are a reminder of Jesus’ huge sacrifice.  
  • Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday, and it is when Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion. Traditionally, people fast or do a good deed to make up for any wrongdoings.  


  • Christians believe that Jesus truly came back to life three days after he died. This is the most important belief for Christians.  
  • When Jesus rose from the dead, it proved that he really is the Son of God and the true Messiah who came to save all men and women. 
  • Jesus’ resurrection is a promise for Christians that he is more powerful than death. This means that if they believe in Jesus, he can take them to live forever with him in Heaven after they die.  
  • Easter Sunday was the day of Jesus’ resurrection. For Christians, Easter Sunday is a day of joy to celebrate what God has done for everyone. 

Commission, Ascension, and Waiting 

  • The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are called the Trinity. Christians believe God is all three in one person. 
  • Jesus told his disciples to go to all people and teach them about God. Christians believe that they should share their faith with others and help others become part of God’s family. 
  • Jesus is now in heaven with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that one day, he will come back and take everyone to heaven with him at the end of time. 

The Coming of the Holy Spirit 

  • Christians believe that God is one in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  
  • Christians believe the Holy Spirit is always with them, helping them. The Holy Spirit can give them special gifts to help them become better Christians. 
  • Christians believe it is still important to tell the whole world about Jesus’ death and resurrection.  

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Hispanic American Christians
Serbian Christians
Sri Lankan Christians
Nigerian Christians
Ethiopian Christians
Pintupi Christians
Egyptian Christians
American Christians


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%. 
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit. 

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 4: Path to Life 

Unit Description

In unit two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of Jesus’ teachings, his final days, and the foundational message of hope through his resurrection and victory over death. This unit follows key moments from Jesus’ life, beginning with parables about seeking the lost, moving through his sacrifice, and culminating with his resurrection and the ministry of his disciples. Through these stories, students will explore the path to eternal life through Jesus and the continued spread of his message. They will learn about the historical context of each story, developing insights into the values, beliefs, and relationships central to Jesus’ mission.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son  
  • Raising Lazarus  
  • Triumphal Entry  
  • The Last Supper 
  • Gethsemane 
  • Crucifixion 
  • Resurrection 
  • Ministry of Philip 

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe these stories are really important because they show how much God loves and cares for every single person. 
  • Christians believe these parables teach God’s love is so big and strong that He never gives up on anyone.  
  • Christians believe these parables show God is always there, ready to bring them back with love and joy. 
  • Christians believe Jesus showed his power by bringing Lazarus back to life, and he is more powerful than death. 
  • Christians believe Jesus loves everyone and feels their pain when they’re hurting. 
  • Christians believe they can live forever with God because Jesus promises eternal life to everyone who believes in him. 
  • Christians believe Jesus is so important that people should give him their best. This means loving Jesus with all their hearts.  
  • Christians believe Jesus knew he was going to die and that it was part of God’s plan to save people. 
  • Christians believe Jesus is the special king sent by God to save and lead everyone. 
  • Christians believe the Last Supper meal helps them remember that Jesus died for them because he gave a special meal to his disciples to remember him. 
  • Christians believe Jesus wants people to serve and help each other with love and kindness, just as he washed his disciples’ feet, even though he is God’s son. 
  • Christians believe Jesus knew he was going to die. He knew it was part of God’s plan to save people from their sins. 
  • Christians believe different types of prayer, including prayers of blessing, nurture the spiritual life of believers. 
  • Christians believe everyone should trust God, even when they are scared or when things are tough. 
  • Christians believe this story teaches people to trust God’s plan, even when it’s hard. 
  • Christians believe Jesus’ love and obedience to God is shown because he allows himself to be arrested even though he has the power to stop everything. 
  • Christians believe Jesus is God’s son and died on the cross to take away all the wrong things (called sins) people do.  
  • Christians believe Jesus was willing to die on the cross to save people from their sins, even though he didn’t want to. He knew it would show God’s great love for everyone. 
  • Christians believe God showed how much he loves everyone by allowing His son to be crucified. They believe Jesus’ death on the cross is the greatest act of love. 
  • Christians believe that three days after Jesus died, he came back to life to help everyone who follows him. 
  • Christians believe that when Jesus came back to life after he died, it showed that he had power over death.  
  • Christians believe Jesus made it possible for people who trust in Jesus to be with God forever in heaven even after they die. It gives Christians hope that they will have life after death with God in heaven. 
  • Christians believe Jesus’ resurrection proves he was God’s son and celebrate the resurrection every year at Easter. 
  • Christians believe this story shows how the message of Jesus began spreading rapidly to people from different parts of the world, not just the people in Israel. 
  • Christians believe this story is important because it shows Jesus’ message is for everyone, no matter where they come from.  
  • Christians also believe it shows how the Holy Spirit helps people, like Philip, to tell others about Jesus. 
  • They also believe the story shows that baptism is a special way to show belief in Jesus. 

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Turkish Christians
Hispanic American Christians
Danish Christians
Senegal Christians
Egyptian Christians
Aboriginal Australian Christians
Chinese Christians
German Christians​


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%.  
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit. 

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%. 
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit. 
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 5: Journey of Hope

Unit Description

In unit two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of key biblical stories and teachings that highlight themes of humility, sacrifice and the fulfilment of God’s promises.

In this unit, students will delve into pivotal events from the final week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, exploring the rich teachings and profound significance of Holy Week. Beginning with the Triumphal Entry and concluding with the Coming of the Holy Spirit, students will examine key moments such as the Last Supper, Jesus’ time in Gethsemane, his trial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. These stories highlight essential themes, including humility, sacrifice, forgiveness and the fulfilment of God’s promises. Through reflection, discussion and activities, students will develop skills to analyse the meaning of these events for early Christian communities and consider their relevance today. By engaging with these stories, students will gain a deeper understanding of how the Bible communicates messages of faith, hope and love. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Students will examine allusions from the Bible and develop a deeper understanding of these sacred references. Students are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Triumphal Entry
  • The Last Supper
  • Gethsemane
  • Trial Before the Jews
  • Crucifixion
  • Resurrection
  • Commission, Ascension, Waiting
  • The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah that God promised to His people to save them from sin and death.
  • Christians believe in Jesus’ divine authority, or power, that is given to him by God.
  • Christians believe that Jesus willingly entered Jerusalem to give his life out of love for humanity.
  • Christians believe Jesus calls his followers to lead by serving others like he did for his disciples at the Last Supper.
  • Some Christians believe that the bread and the cup represent Jesus’ body and blood while others believe they actually become Jesus’ body and blood.
  • Christians believe that God can still work through difficult or painful situations, like Judas’ betrayal, to bring about an even greater good.
  • Christians believe that God has a plan for their life and has chosen them for a special mission. They believe it is important to trust in God’s greater plan, even when there is suffering or it is hard to fully understand His plan.
  • Christians believe that prayer is important and essential to receiving guidance, strength and connection with God, especially in difficult times.
  • Christians believe that in forgiveness and loving their enemies over violence and seeking justice.
  • Christians believe that God loves them even when they are weak and fall into fear or sin.
  • Christians believe that Jesus is the sacrificial lamb who was innocent and did not deserve to die.
  • Christians believe that there are consequences to sin, but God will always give them another chance if they are willing.
  • Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, sent to Earth to help people connect with God and be forgiven.
  • Christians believe Jesus was innocent and did not deserve to die, but He chose to take the punishment for the sins of others.
  • Christians believe Jesus showed the importance of forgiveness by asking God to forgive the people who hurt Him, even while He was suffering.
  • Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead after he was crucified, proving he was the Son of God.
  • Christians believe that Jesus rising from the dead shows God’s power over life and death.
  • Christians believe that shows that God’s plan to save people through Jesus was completed when Jesus rose from the dead. People can now also have new life with God.
  • Christians believe Jesus gave His followers the Great Commission, telling them to go around the world and tell others about him.
  • Christians believe Jesus promised to be with His followers always, which gives them strength in hard times.
  • Christians believe that Jesus appeared to many people after His resurrection, proving it really happened.
  • Christians believe the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, giving people God’s power to tell others about Jesus in many languages.
  • Christians believe the Holy Spirit works in people’s lives to help them understand how Jesus can forgive them when they turn to him.
  • Christians believe that Jesus gives them the Holy Spirit today too. The Holy Spirit helps and guides them to follow Jesus’s teachings and tell others about him.

Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Canadian Christians
Chinese Christians
Brazilian Christians
Namibian Christians
Papuan Christians
Aboriginal Australian Christians
Native American Christians
Armenian Christians

Allusions from the Bible

Hidden from your eyes
Don’t be a Judas
The Lazarus phenomenon
Last Supper
Garden of Gethsemane
Three betrayals by Peter
The cross
Cast lots
Risen from the dead
The stone’s been rolled away
In the water
Wind and fire
Baptism by fire
At the right hand


Week 4 

Progress Test is worth 30%. 
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.  

Week 9  

The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).   

Year 6: Journey to Eternal Life

Unit Description

In unit two, students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the Journey to Eternal Life through Jesus’ ministry.

Starting with his baptism and temptation, students then reflect on Jesus’ teachings through the parables of the Good Samaritan, Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son. Focusing then on Bread of Life, students see how Jesus came to meet more than physical needs, but to bring people into satisfying relationships with God. The events of Jesus’ final days on earth are then unpacked through The Last Supper, where he serves his disciples despite knowing he would be betrayed and his anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane. Students learn about Jesus’ Crucifixion, then Resurrection. Students will learn about the historical context of each story.

Students will explore Christians from various countries, discovering diverse cultures and languages. Using a globe or map, they will locate each country featured in the lessons, fostering a sense of global community. They will learn about different people and countries, appreciate beautiful artwork depicting the Christian faith from around the world, and hear key Bible verses read in various languages. This exploration deepens their understanding of the rich diversity within the global Christian community and nurtures a compassionate and positive attitude toward others.

Students will examine allusions from the Bible and develop a deeper understanding of these sacred references. Students are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, allowing them to make meaningful connections.

Unit Overview
  • 9 Week Unit
  • Bible story lessons are 45 minutes and delivered once a week for eight weeks.
  • A 20-minute progress test is administered during Week 4.
  • A 45-minute summative assessment is administered in Week 9.
Stories and Christian Beliefs


  • Jonah and the Fish 
  • Jonah and the Vine 
  • Psalm 103 
  • Call of Samuel 
  • Elijah and the Widow 
  • Elijah on Mount Carmel 
  • Elijah on Mount Horeb 
  • Elijah in the Whirlwind 

Christian Beliefs about the stories

  • Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Son. When Jesus was baptised, God spoke from heaven, saying Jesus was His Son.​
  • ​Christians believe that the Holy Spirit gives them power to do God’s work, just as with Jesus. After Jesus was baptised, the Holy Spirit came down like a dove to him.​
  • ​Christians believe that they can resist temptation, just as Jesus stayed strong against the devil when he was tempted in the desert.
  • Christians believe they should love God with all their heart and love others as much as they love themselves. This means caring for everyone around them.​
  • ​Christians believe everyone is their neighbour, so they should show mercy to anyone in need, even if they don’t know them.​
  • ​Christians believe actions matter, and showing love through helping others is how they live out their faith.
  • Christians believe God loves and seeks people who are far from Him. He always wants to bring them back, because He loves everyone.​
  • ​Christians believe God will forgive and accept anyone who repents and turns back to Him after doing the wrong things. ​
  • ​Christians believe that heaven celebrates when people turn back to God, just like how the father, shepherd and woman celebrated when they found what they had lost.
  • Christians believe Jesus is the Bread of Life, giving spiritual life that lasts forever.​
  • ​Christians believe they receive eternal life by believing in Jesus.​
  • ​Christians believe God provides for their needs. Just as God gave manna to the Israelites, Jesus brings them close to God.
  • Christians believe Jesus gave his life to save people from their sins. The symbols of bread and wine as his body and blood are used in Communion still.​
  • Christians believe they should help and serve others with love and kindness, no matter their position.​
  • Christians believe that Jesus’ sacrifice offers forgiveness for everyone’s sins. Because of this, they try to forgive others just as Jesus forgave them.
  • Christians believe Jesus knew he would suffer for everyone, but he chose to do it because it was God’s will.​
  • ​Christians believe that prayer is important, especially in hard times. ​
  • ​Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, the promised one sent by God to save people.
  • Christians believe that Jesus died to save people from their sins. He sacrificed himself on the cross so they could be forgiven.​
  • ​Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Even when he suffered on the cross, he showed he was fulfilling God’s plan.​
  • ​Christians believe that Jesus’ death brought new life. It gives them hope for eternal life and brings them closer to God now.
  • Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead after three days, showing he was more powerful than death.​
  • ​Christians believe that Jesus’ resurrection proves he is the Son of God.​
  • ​Christians believe that Jesus’ victory over death shows that they also can have eternal life with God one day.

Animated flipbook
Animated annotations

Cultural Representation

Native American Christians
Russian Christians
Cameroonian Christians
Aboriginal Australian Christians
Japanese Christians
Celtic Christians
New Zealand Samoan Christians
Aboriginal Australian Christians

Allusions from the Bible

I am not worthy
Brood of vipers
Separating the wheat from the chaff
Spirit like a dove
A good Samaritan
Lost and found
Prodigal son
Feeding the soul
Manna from heaven
This is my body… this is my blood​
Servant leader
Let this cup pass
Not my will but yours be done
Carrying the cross
Doubting Thomas


Week 4
Progress Test is worth 30%.
A progress test will be completed during week 4 of the unit.

Week 9
The final Assessment is worth 70%.
One assessment task will be completed during week 9 of the unit.
The assessment will cover content (weeks 1–8).

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