Music for Learning F-6

Unit 3 (Coming Soon)

Music for Learning meets Australian Curriculum Music requirements. 

Starter Lessons

Unit Overviews

Foundation Year:

Coming Soon!

Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions

In Unit 3, Foundation students learn about the music elements through the music of South America. 

Learning Objectives
  • In lessons 1-4, we explore the ways music is used in South America.
  • Throughout the unit, we reinforce duration concepts including beat, the rhythms ta and titi, and how to match rhythmic patterns. 
  • The focus for pitch in this unit is on sol and mi, with an emphasis on the relationship between high and low.
  • In lesson 6 we explore the concept of loud and soft, applying this to a known singing game.

    In the final assessment the students are asked to match simple rhythmic patterns, distinguish between sol and mi, apply knowledge of loud and soft and identify South American music for dancing as opposed to a lullaby aurally and visually.

    Year 1:

    Coming Soon!

    Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions

    In Unit 3, Year 1 students learn about the music elements in Australia Indigenous Music. 

    Learning Objectives
    • In lesson 1, we explore Australian First Nations musical instruments and students make their own pair of clapsticks for performing activities throughout the unit.
    • Throughout the unit, we articulate why some music sounds happy and some music sounds sad.
    • Students learn about the music of Australian First Nations Composer, Brenda Gifford, and the way she uses the music elements to convey meaning in her music.
    • In lesson 5, we write a class composition in the Dhurga language.

      In the unit assessment is a creating and making task in which students compose music that shows an emotion, using dynamics, tempo and texture to create interest.

      Year 2:

      Coming Soon!

      Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions

      In Unit 3, Year 3 students learn about music in Australia.

      Learning Objectives
      • We explore the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers and composers, as well as the music of Nigel Westlake and Peter Sculthorpe.

        Year 3:

        Coming Soon!

        Australian Curriculum Content Descriptions

        In Unit 3, Year 3 students learn about music in Australia.

        Learning Objectives
        • We explore the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers and composers, as well as the music of Nigel Westlake and Peter Sculthorpe.

          Other Units