8 Cycles of School Practice


8 Cycles of School Practice is a crucial school improvement tool which supports schools in embedding practices that enable effective teaching school-wide. It covers two interconnected domains: the school and the classroom.

About the Web Application
Cycle 1: School Professional Learning
Cycle 2: Classroom Coaching
Cycle 3: School Data Review
Cycle 4: Classroom Data Review
Cycle 5: School Professional Conversations
Cycle 6: Classroom Collaboration
Cycle 7: School Improvement Partnership
Practice Cycle 8: Parent Classroom Engagement


8 Cycles of School Practice Implementation Guide


About the Web Application

Access the full range of 8 Cycles of School Practice resources via the 8 Cycles Web Application.

8 Cycles of School Practice Implementation Guide
Individual Professional Learning Plan
Student Engagement Observation Form
Training Evaluation Form


Cycle 1: School Professional Learning​

About Cycle 1

The School Professional Learning cycle enables leaders and the teaching team to embed planning routines, complete professional learning and implement what they learn into their practice. It ensures the entire team is actively engaged in professional learning and continually develops their professional practice.

Individual Professional Learning Plan

The Individual Professional Learning Plan is a custom professional learning plans for Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Instruction Coaches, and Principal/Members in Leadership roles.

Student Engagement Observation Form
The Student Engagement Observation Form enables Principals and/or the Site Administrators to use to assess if the teacher and teaching assistant have the required student engagement during a five-minute observation.
Training Evaluation Form
The Training Evaluation Form is an evaluation form for members who opt for training. This allows Good to Great Schools to continually improve our training services.


Coaching Schedule
Instructional Leadership Tool
Techniques Observation Feedback Report
Techniques Observation Form
Practices Observation Feedback Report
Practices Observation Form
Effective Teaching Instruction Coach Guide
Student Engagement Observation Form
Student Profile
Student Support Plan
Classroom Observation Self-Assessment
Classroom Management Self-Assessment
Classroom Ecology Checklist
School Observation Schedule
School Wide Expectations Teaching Matrix


Cycle 2: Classroom Coaching​
About Cycle 2

The Classroom Coaching cycle enables team members to embed routines for continuous improvement in their effective teaching techniques through coaching. It ensures the leaders observe the teaching and continually demonstrate, model and provide feedback on effective teaching.

Coaching Schedule
The Coaching Schedule is a template for Instruction Coaches, with a breakdown of coaching activities and a coaching log to plan and record activities.
Instructional Leadership Tool
The Instructional Leadership Tool enables instructional leaders to track schoolwide progress through the 8 Cycles of School Practice.  
Techniques Observation Feedback Report
The Techniques Observation Feedback Form is for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to receive feedback as to what activities have been observed and actions for them to undertake. Instruction Coaches can then use the data guide coaching conversations.
Techniques Observation Form

The Techniques Observation Form is used by Instruction Coaches to assesses fidelity and mastery of instruction during the observations of the Teachers/Teaching assistants.

Practices Observation Feedback Report
Practices Observation Form
Effective Teaching Instruction Coach Guide
Student Engagement Observation Form

The Student Engagement Observation Form enables Principals and/or the Site Administrators to use to assess if the Teachers and Teaching Assistants have the required student engagement during a five-minute observation.

Student Profile
The Student Profile is an annual student profile, assessment, and support plan.
Student Support Plan

The Student Support Plan is a template for student reports, determining performance and readiness, and identifying documents and additional support to be provided. Prepared by Community/Instruction Coaches.

Classroom Observation Self-Assessment

The Classroom Observation Self-Assessment is a form for Teachers and Instruction Coaches, to be filled over ten consecutive school days.

Classroom Ecology Checklist

The Classroom Ecology Checklist contains a set of questions to help ascertain the ecological factors of a classroom and to plan for improvement.

School Observation Schedule
The School Observation Schedule  details why, when, and how to conduct regular school observations.
School Wide Expectations Teaching Matrix
School Wide Expectations Teaching Matrix is a matrix for expected behaviours to explicitly teach students across the wide range of school settings.


Compiling School and Classroom Data Checklist
Weekly Data Review Report
School Data Wall
Data Conversation Form
SPT Operating Manual
School-wide Expectations Poster


Cycle 3: School Data Review​
About Cycle 3
The School Data Review cycle enables teaching teams to embed routines to collect, analyse and action student progress and program delivery data.  The cycle ensures the team continually diagnoses teaching and learning data, gives and receives feedback and takes action to improve effective teaching.
Compiling School and Classroom Data Checklist

The Compiling School and Classroom Data Checklist is a checklist for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to record their usage of weekly school and classroom data documents.

Weekly Data Review Report

The Weekly Data Review Report is a weekly data review tool to be used by different school team members at the stages of Implement, Transition, and Sustain respectively.

School Data Wall
Data Conversation Form

The Data Conversation Form is a form for Teachers and Instruction Coaches to assess and address student group concerns.

SPT Operating Manual

The SPT Operating Manual outlines how to use the Student Progress Tool effectively.

School-wide Expectations Poster

The School-wide Expectations Poster describes the behaviour and skills expected across school settings. The poster defines behaviours so that they are observable, measurable, positively stated, understandable and always applicable


Data Conversation Form
Data Conversation Form
Guide to Creating a Classroom Data Wall
Placement Testing Kit
Grouping Students After Placement Tests
Student Performance Data Checklist


Cycle 4: Classroom Data Review ​
About Cycle 4
The Classroom Data Review cycle enables school leaders and the teaching team to embed routines to test, analyse and respond to student data. It ensures the teaching team actively analyses student data and continually strives to meet learning targets.
Data Conversation Form

The Data Conversation Form is a form for Teachers and Instruction Coaches to assess and address student group concerns.

Weekly Student Performance Data Checklist

The Weekly Student Performance Data Checklist is a checklist for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to record their usage of weekly student performance data documents.

Guide to Creating a Classroom Data Wall

The Guide to Creating a Classroom Data Wall provides guidelines on how to create a classroom data wall, and what data to include.

Placement Testing Kit

The Placement Testing Kit is designed for School Leaders and Teachers to deliver placement tests to students in all literacy and numeracy programs from Years F–5.

Grouping Students After Placement Tests

Grouping Students After Placement Tests is a lesson for Teachers on how to group students for instruction, based on placement test results, guiding principles, and number of available teachers.

Student Performance Data Checklist


Self Assessment Form


Cycle 5: School Professional Conversations ​
About Cycle 5
The School Professional Conversations cycle enables school leaders to embed a culture of professional conversations among the teaching team. It ensures the teaching team actively problem-solves together so that members collectively share successes and resolve challenges.
Self-Assessment Form

The Self-Assessment Form enables Teachers and Instruction Coaches, to conduct self-assessments based on professional conversations over ten consecutive school days.


Lesson Practice Form


Cycle 6: Classroom Collaboration
About Cycle 6
The Classroom Collaboration cycle enables teaching teams to embed a culture of classroom collaboration. It ensures the teaching team actively works together to set high expectations, improve their effective teaching techniques and practice, and increase student learning.
Lesson Practice Form


Community Report
CSIP Team Handbook
CSIP Code of Conduct Form
School Improvement Implementation Guide
School Improvement Plan Template
School Improvement Presentation
Weekly School Improvement Report
School Transformation Implementation Guide


Cycle 7: School Improvement Partnership​
About Cycle 7
The School Improvement Partnership cycle enables the teaching team to continually embed family and community engagement routines to strengthen the education partnership between the school and the community. It ensures the school has a forum to collaborate with the community supporting parents to contribute to their children’s education.
Community Report
CSIP Team Handbook
The CSIP Team Handbook enables Principals to organise and lead meetings with community members.
CSIP Code of Conduct Form

Download the Community School Improvement Partnership Code of Conduct form.

School Improvement Implementation Guide

The School Improvement Implementation Guide details how a school improvement partnership helps schools achieve school improvement by embedding sustainable school-wide effective teaching practices that lift teaching and increase student learning.

School Improvement Plan Template

The School Improvement Plan Template enables school teams to record holistic school improvement with fidelity.

School Improvement Presentation

The School Improvement Presentation details the implementation of school improvement practices, positive high expectation culture, and program delivery and outcomes.

Weekly School Improvement Report

The Weekly School Improvement Review Report is used by the School Leadership to assess the impact their leadership is having on the team’s school improvement journey, and to set further improvement actions.

School Transformation Implementation Guide

The School Transformation Implementation Guide is a comprehensive guide on School Transformation Implementation, with a breakdown of the three stages of implementation support provided by Good to Great Schools Australia.


Community Implementation Guide
School and Family Compact Template
Having Influencing Conversations with Parents Guide
Steps to Parent Classroom Visits Implementation Guide
Classroom Visit Schedule
Classroom Visit Schedule Example
Primary School Readiness Checklist


Practice Cycle 8: Parent Classroom Engagement​
About Practice Cycle 8
The Parent Classroom Engagement cycle enables the teaching team to embed routines around parents’ commitment to their children’s success by inviting them to participate in the learning. It promotes relationships between parents and the teaching team to ensure parents actively engage in their children’s education.
Community Implementation Guide

The Community Implementation  Guide assists schools to implement the High 5 program which is a crucial tool in supporting schools towards effective practices while working with parents and communities to support students.

School and Family Compact Template

The School and Family Compact Template is a table of model values and behaviours for students, families, and the school team.

Having Influencing Conversations with Parents Guide

The Having Influencing Conversations with Parents Guide assists the school team to successfully engage with parents, outlining how the leadership and teaching team works with parents to improve the support they provide to their child, so they succeed in their education.

Steps to Parent Classroom Visits Implementation Guide
Classroom Visit Schedule
Classroom Visit Schedule Example
Primary School Readiness Checklist

The Primary School Readiness Checklist is to be completed at the beginning of Term 4 each year for students enrolling in primary school to give an overview of their readiness for school and identify areas they need additional practice or support in