8 Cycles of School Practice
Practice Cards
Practice Cards
About the Web Application
Access the full range of 8 Cycles of School Practice resources via the 8 Cycles Web Application.
Practice Cards
Cycle 1: School Professional Learning
About Cycle 1
The School Professional Learning cycle enables leaders and the teaching team to embed planning routines, complete professional learning and implement what they learn into their practice. It ensures the entire team is actively engaged in professional learning and continually develops their professional practice.
Cycle 2: Classroom Coaching
About Cycle 2
The Classroom Coaching cycle enables team members to embed routines for continuous improvement in their effective teaching techniques through coaching. It ensures the leaders observe the teaching and continually demonstrate, model and provide feedback on effective teaching.
Demonstrate Mastery to the Teaching Team Practice Card
Observe Teaching Practice Practice Card
When principals and instruction coaches observe lessons, they are able to gauge the effectiveness of teaching and student engagement. Use this practice card with principals and instruction coaches to maximise the effectiveness of classroom observations.
Demonstrate Conduct Coaching Practice Card
Coaching provides teachers with meaningful feedback that they can use to improve teaching technique and subsequently increase student achievement. Use this practice card to support instruction coaches’ coaching cycles.
Cycle 3: School Data Review
About Cycle 3
The School Data Review cycle enables teaching teams to embed routines to collect, analyse and action student progress and program delivery data. The cycle ensures the team continually diagnoses teaching and learning data, gives and receives feedback and takes action to improve effective teaching.
Display School Data Practice Card
When principals and coaches use school data displays to support teachers and celebrate achievements, they are sharing a culture of high expectations. Use this practice card to support principals and instructional coaches in creating, displaying, and using school data walls.
Cycle 4: Classroom Data Review
About Cycle 4
The Classroom Data Review cycle enables school leaders and the teaching team to embed routines to test, analyse and respond to student data. It ensures the teaching team actively analyses student data and continually strives to meet learning targets.
Display Classroom Data Practice Card
Teachers set up classroom data walls to show classroom targets and progress to students and visitors. Use this practice card to support teachers in creating and maintaining purposeful classroom data walls.
Use Data to Motivate Students Practice Card
When teachers use data to help students set goals and track progress, they are communicating high expectations. Use this practice card with teachers to support the creation and use of effective data walls.
Practice Cards
Cycle 5: School Professional Conversations
About Cycle 5
The School Professional Conversations cycle enables school leaders to embed a culture of professional conversations among the teaching team. It ensures the teaching team actively problem-solves together so that members collectively share successes and resolve challenges.
Cycle 6: Classroom Collaboration
About Cycle 6
The Classroom Collaboration cycle enables teaching teams to embed a culture of classroom collaboration. It ensures the teaching team actively works together to set high expectations, improve their effective teaching techniques and practice, and increase student learning.
Hold Lesson Practice Practice Card
Teachers and teacher assistants must be prepared to deliver lessons effectively so that studentlearning is maximised. Use this practice card to support teachers and teacher assistants in preparing to deliver effective teaching lessons.
Peer Observation of Effective Teaching Practice Card
Peer observations increases teachers’ capacity through collaboration. Use this practice card to support instruction coaches’ capacity to use peer observations to strengthen teachers’ teaching technique.
Practice Cards
Cycle 7: School Improvement Partnership
About Cycle 7
The School Improvement Partnership cycle enables the teaching team to continually embed family and community engagement routines to strengthen the education partnership between the school and the community. It ensures the school has a forum to collaborate with the community supporting parents to contribute to their children’s education.
Practice Cycle 8: Parent Classroom Engagement
About Practice Cycle 8
The Parent Classroom Engagement cycle enables the teaching team to embed routines around parents’ commitment to their children’s success by inviting them to participate in the learning. It promotes relationships between parents and the teaching team to ensure parents actively engage in their children’s education.
Engage with Parents Practice Card
When the school team engages with parents, they share information about their child’s progress and parents learn how they can support their child’s academics and behaviour progress at home. Use this practice card with teachers to engage parents in academic and behaviour conversations.
Host Parents in the Classroom Practice Card
When parents are engaged in classrooms, student attendance increases and behaviour improves. Use this practice card to support teachers in inviting and engaging parents in classroom visits.